Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu Recruitment: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu has released a job advertisement for this year for the engagement of the Subject Matter Specialist on the 01 vacant posts. The KVK invites applications via the offline medium from enthusiastic and proficient applicants. The recruitment is for aspirants who have a specialty in Animal Science. Read this complete article to know the various details regarding this recruitment. You need to submit the application forms on or before 30 September 2020 to confirm your entry for this recruitment.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu Recruitment Notification:
Name of the Organization | Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu |
Name of the Job | Subject Matter Specialist |
Number of Vacancies | 01 |
Last Date to Apply | 30 September 2020 |
Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu Recruitment Total Vacancy Details:
Company Name: Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu
Name of The Posts:
- Subject Matter Specialist (Animal Science) – 01
Last Date to Apply: The last date for final submission of the offline application form is 30 September 2020.
Educational Qualifications:
1. Applicants should have completed a Master’s degree in Veterinary Sciences / Animal Sciences from a recognized board/university/institute to be eligible for this recruitment.
Selection Procedure: Job Contenders will be selected for KVK Tamil Nadu based on performance in Written Exam and Personal Interview.
Pay Scale:
- Handsome and attractive pay of Rs.15600-39100 + RGP Rs.5400/- will be given to the applicants deployed on the post of Subject Matter Specialist.
Application Fees: No application fee is demanded by Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu to apply for this recruitment.
Age criteria: The applicants seeking this job should be a maximum of or equal to 35 years of age. Age relaxation will be given to reserved category candidates by KVK Officials.
Official Website:
How To Apply For Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu Recruitment Offline-
- If you want to be appointed on the posts of Subject Matter Specialist, then you need to go to the official site of KVK and download the application form.
- Fill the application form complete in all aspects and attach the copies of the DOB certificate, educational qualification certificate, address proof, id proof, etc.
- Paste the latest photograph of yours and sign the application form in small letters.
- Submit it before the last date to ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vivekanandapuram, Karamadai Block, Coimbatore District – 641113, TamilNadu
NOTE: For more updates regarding Kerala Krishi Vigyan Kendra Tamil Nadu recruitment, you need to visit the official site mentioned above.