About Us


AllJobsGovt  is an initiative to provide all the useful information about latest jobs recruitment, vacancies, posts, salary, career counseling, current affairs to all its users. It will define a new standards for the jobs network.

The thing which differentiates it with its competitors is the way it provides information. Alljobsgovt will provide the real and early information of all aspects. Users will feel relieve after leaving the site. Not only will  it provide the information but also will also take the queries of each and every user at alljobsgovt@gmail.com. Even, you can contact us by submitting the form.

How We Define The Content?

Alljobsgovt defines its content in a systematic way by distributing them in categories. It includes categories like Govt Jobs, Private Jobs, Railway Jobs, Bank Jobs, Results, Admit Card etc. Very soon, we will add “Search by Qualification” and “Search by Region” feature in it. Moreover, we do have a plan to build a native app for the same. We mostly will cover India Jobs, but don’t be sad if you’re outsider. We would surely publish Foreign Jobs once in a week.

We aim to provide every latest jobs recruitment, current affairs, results etc. For this, you need to attach with us. Not only with this website, you can reach us with our official Facebook page and email subscription method given at the sidebar of Alljobsgovt. For the old articles, do use the search box fixed at sidebar.

If talking about the members, then we are the team of 5-6 individuals belonging to different cities. We find a leisure to entertain audience with recruitment stuff, that’s why we collaboratively took this approach. But, promise us one thing that if you like our articles, then do share it on social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Reditt, Pinterest etc.

Thank You For Your Time.

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