Kolkata Police Recruitment for 1100 Civil Volunteers Posts at www.kolkatapolice.gov.in

Kolkata Police Recruitment: Kolkata Police recently has announced a fresh recruitment for the aspirants who want to serve the department of Police. They have dispatched a notification to recruit 1100 suitable candidates for the Civil Volunteers posts. Those who are in need of this job must apply before the notification expires.

Kolkata Police Recruitment Notification:

Name of the Organization Kolkata Police
Name of the Job Civil Volunteers
Number of vacancies 1100
Last day to apply 06 November 2017

Kolkata Police Recruitment Total Vacancy Details

Name of the Post:

  1. Civil Volunteers

Number of vacancies: 1100

Educational Qualifications:

Candidates who want to be the part of Kolkata Police they have done their 8th class or its equivalent qualification from the recognized Board and Institution.

Age Limit:

Candidate’s age should be lying between 20 to 60 years as on 01-09-2017.  Age relaxation for PWD/OBC/SC/ ST categories candidates is as per Governments rules.

Selection Process:

Candidates who want to be selected they have to qualify Physical Test and Personal Interview.

Application Fee:

The application fee for this recruitment is not applicable, you have to attend the exams after enrollment, but still, we advise you to please visit the official website for detailed information.

 Important dates:

Those who are going to apply must remember the last date for receiving of offline Application form is 06 November 2017.

Official Website: www.kolkatapolice.gov.in

Instructions to apply for Kolkata Police Recruitment 2017:

  1. All candidates who have desires to being a part of that organization they have to download the application form from the official website i.e. kolkatapolice.gov.in
  2. Read the instructions carefully and then start to fill the application form.
  3. Paste your recent photograph which is in size of passport and signature where it is recommended.
  4. Attach all your documents which are necessary and also make self-attested to these copies of documents.
  5. Took it in an envelope and send it to the below, given address on or before 06-11-2017

Postal Address

Respective Police Stations/Traffic Guard/ D.R.O./Unit/PHE


The information’s given by us is accurate for the recruitment of Kolkata Police Recruitment for 1100 Civil Volunteers Posts at www.kolkatapolice.gov.in, and still, if you have doubt in your mind or you want to read detailed information then please visit the official website for depth information.

Updated: November 9, 2017 — 6:30 pm
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