Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works Recruitment 2020 dmw.indianrailways.gov.in for 182 Apprentices

Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works Recruitment 2020: Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works has invited online applications to be filled online only on the website www.dmw.indianrailways.gov.in. The candidates will be recruited for 182 vacancies for the post of Apprentices by 26/03/2020. The applicants will have to follow all the instructions specified.

Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works Recruitment Notification

Name of the Organization Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works
Name of the Job Apprentices
Number of Vacancies 182
Last Date to Apply 26/03/2020

Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works Recruitment Total Vacancy Details:

Company Name: Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works

Name of The Posts:


Sr. Trade No.s
01 Electrician 70
02 Mechanic (Diesel) 40
03 Machinist 32
04 Fitter 23
05 Welder (G&E) 17
  Total 182

Educational Qualifications: Class 08th/ 10th with ITI must be possessed by the candidates applying for the recruitment.

Selection Procedure: The applicants will be recruited on the basis of Merit only.

Pay ScaleThe candidates will get suitable remuneration as per the rules of the government.

Application Fees: An application fee of Rupees 100 is to be paid by the candidates of General and OBC Category. The same is exempted fully for the candidates of SC/ ST/ PwD Category. Fee can be paid through online mode only.

Age criteria: Age of the applicants must be as per the following criteria:

  1. Post 1-4: 15-24 years
  2. Post 5: 15-22 years

Applicants of SC/ ST/ PwD Categories will be granted relaxation in the upper age limit as per the rules of the government.

Official Website: www.dmw.indianrailways.gov.in

Important Instructions to apply for Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works Recruitment 2020:

  1. Go to the official website of Diesel Locomotive Modernisation Works i.e www.dmw.indianrailways.gov.in.
  2. Pay the fee for application and upload a photo and sign of the candidate.
  3. Upload copies of academic credentials and submit the form in the end.

NOTE: The applications must be submitted by the candidates till 26/03/2020. Any applicant failing to submit the application by the said date will not be considered for the purpose of recruitment. So, make sure to apply as soon as possible before the last date at least.

Updated: March 9, 2020 — 6:20 pm
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